The chairs now look good as new. You would never know that they had been worn looking. Our guy in the shop did a great job.
Hitchcock chairs have been around for quite some time and they are still very similar to what they looked like originally. In 1818 Lambert Hitchcock started the Hitchcock Chair Company, his vision was to create beautiful affordable mass produced chairs. They also used a relatively new idea, instead of hand painting a design on the back of each chair, he used the easier technique of stenciling. This stenciling gives the Hitchcock chair a unique and very distinguishable look. By 1820 his company was producing over 15,000 chairs a year!
While the Hitchcock Chair Company has changed hands a few times, the company is still in existence and are still making this beautiful classic design.
It looks great in the after, very impressive work. The chair itself is so great too. Love your blog!